Visitor Admittance

Visitor Admittance

Visitor Admittance

Visiting hours
General Ward7:30-20:30
Ward 8A(M-FICU)
Ward 6B12:30-20:00
Tertiary Emergency Medical Center7:00-8:00、12:00-13:00、18:00-19:00

If you would like to visit a patient outside of these hours, please ask a nurse.

  • Procedure
    Write your name in the visitor's log at "Visitor Reception" on the first floor of the ward and put on a "visitor's badge" before entering the ward.
    Please return the "visitor's badge" to the reception desk upon leaving.
  • Please go to the nurse station before entering the patient's room. Visits may be refused depending on the patient's condition.
  • No children are allowed to visit the patient.
  • Out of respect for other patients, you are asked to keep the number of visitors and the length of visits to a reasonable level.
  • Please refrain from holding loud conversations in multi-bed rooms.
  • Visiting hours at certain wards such as the Tertiary Emergency Medical Center or ICU may be restricted for treatment purposes. Please follow the instructions of the doctors and nurses.
  • Smoking, drinking, or eating during the visit is not allowed. Please refrain from bringing in food and drinks.
  • Please silence your cell phone in the hospital. Taking a call is only allowed in the designated area such as the private room or the elevator halls (It's up to each ward). Texting and browsing the web are allowed in the hospital except the Turn Off Your Cell Phone Zone. Please follow the instruction of the hospital personnel concerning your cell phone use.