麻酔科 - 専門分野




  • 手術前:手術を受ける患者さんの不安を取り除き、患者さんとコミュニケーションを取るために、病室に術前診察に伺い、安心して手術に臨める環境を提供します。
  • 手術中:絶えず患者さんの側にいて血圧や心拍数、呼吸の状態、体温などを把握し、安全な手術が遂行できるように全身状態を管理しています。そしてもしも手術中に患者さんが急変しても迅速に対応し、救命処置を行います。
  • 手術後:手術終了時患者さんの意識を覚醒(目を覚まさせる)させ、いつもの意識状態に戻します。同時に手術後の傷の痛みを和らげるための処置を行います。






English Version

Department of Anesthesia

About the details of consultation

◎Medical anesthesia during surgery and Pain clinic


The Anesthetic Department of our hospital is authorized to provide education and training.

The number of surgical cases per year is nearly 5,500. Although the majority of patients are elderly and have a high risk, there has been a rare case of medical misadventure.

We will always make every possible effort to do an operation and we thoroughly consider pain after surgery. Applying a nerve block to relieve pain can enable patients to get out of bed as early as possible and to improve their QOL( quality of life ).

Pain Clinic

The pain clinic is authorized as an educational and training institute by the Japan Society of Pain Clinicians.

We perform treatment for various diseases, such as cancer pain, facial palsy, herpes zoster, trigeminal neuralgia, headache, migraine, sudden deafness, shoulder stiffness, cervical spondylosis, thoracic spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation, myelin disease causing pain, pain related to peripheral disorders and neuropathic pain in our clinic. Especially, we have experienced many cases of application of epidural spinal cord stimulstion for severe pain.

About a special field and characteristic of our department

◎ Surgical anesthesia

Patients may be concerned that they will experience pain, and that the anesthesia will not be effective during surgery. However, they should not worry about these matters, since the professionals will be at hand should any medical problems develop during or following surgery.

○ The work of anesthesiologists

? Before the operation : The anesthesiologist sees the patient, and discuss issues relating to the operation and provides reassurance.

? During the operation : The anesthesiologist is with the patient to administer anesthesia, while managing vital life functions. Should a patient suddenly develop any medical problems, the anesthesiologist will diagnose and treat them promptly.

? After the operation : When it is completed, the anesthesiologist awakens the patient until normal consciousness recovers, and manages pain relief.

● Pain clinic

Most people may be unaware of the functions of a pain clinic. In brief, this is a clinic that deals with almost all matters related to pain.

Nerve block is a method of relieving pain that can be applied at the pain clinic. This method involves administering an anesthetic agent into the nerve causing the pain, temporarily or on a regular basis. In addition we also perform eternal block as the other method. Furthermore, nerve block may be adopted for the treatment of other diseases such as palsy, sudden loss of hearing, and sensitivity to the cold of arteriosclerotic limbs, besides pain.

Some patients suffer from long-term, or “chronic pain”. In many cases, chronic pain is associated with mental disorder and a lack of surrounding human relationships. Such patients are often seen at pain clinics. Thus, we do not only remove pain by injection at the site of pain, but also try to promote a relaxed mental state of the patient during consultation.

Introduction of anesthesiologists

There are six full time anesthesiologists. There are two or three other part time and training doctors belonging to Komagome Hospital.
