Patients with an appointment coming for a follow-up visit (including those coming only for tests), must insert their patient registration card into the “No. 7 returning patient reception kiosk” before going to the corresponding outpatient clinic for the clinical department.
*Using the returning patient reception kiosk also completes check-in for the outpatient clinic of the clinical department.
*Inserting your patient registration card into the returning patient reception kiosk gives you a “reception slip” and a “pager.”
*The returning patient reception kiosk is available from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
*Place your “reception slip” in one of the clear folders available at the
returning patient reception kiosk and bring the clear folder with you.
- Patients who made an appointment during their outpatient clinic visit will receive an “appointment slip” (It will be attached to your receipt.). Bring this along with your patient registration card on your next visit.
Patients who made an appointment with the Appointment Center by telephone will not receive an appointment slip. Take care not to mistake the time and date of your appointment.
Patients coming for a follow-up visit without an appointment should go to the “No. 1 medical examination reception desk.”