Our Services
When ill, the human body warns us with various signals. Blood, urine and the motion of the heart will be different from when the body is healthy. At our Laboratory Medicine, we detect these signals. Blood and urine tests, tests for blood transfusions, electrocardiogram (ECG), pulmonary function examinations, electromyography (EMG), pathological cytodiagnosis and histological diagnosis will help us gain information which is useful in identifying illness and determining treatment. We perform various clinical examinations to this goal, including:
- Amphetamine screening test, blood drug tests, influenza and Norwalk virus tests
- Blood glucose measurement and hemoglobin A1c tests to assess diabetes; the results can be reported at the Outpatient Clinic
- D-dimer test and lower extremity vein ultrasound test for prevention of pulmonary thromboembolism
- Procalcitonin quantitative tests and automated blood culture systems as markers of bacterial sepsis
- Daily control to maintain and enhance the precision and accuracy of examinations: we participate in annual precision control carried out by the Japan Medical Association
- In our Physiological Function Test Room ECG, Master’s test (two-step exercise test), standing test, Holter ECG, 24 hours ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, respiratory function test, electroencephalography (EEG), EMG, ultrasound tests (abdomen, lower extremity vein, carotid, heart, thyroid gland, mammary gland and body surface), simple monitoring systems for sleep apnea and hearing test.
Our Practice
Under the supervision of our Chief Laboratory Doctor, nine full-time clinical technologists, as well as part-time clinical technologists, will perform various tests upon the request of clinicians.
Laboratory Test Room