
Department of Organ Transplantation

1. Medical Treatment Details and Features

 Currently, we perform renal transplantation, and it is possible to provide not only renal transplantation for kidney failure but also comprehensive medical treatments to pediatric patients with congenital anomalies of the renal urinary tract.

2. Main target diseases

  • Renal transplantation: Living donor renal transplantation
  • Medical examination and treatment for chronic renal failure
    Open renal biopsy, Tenkov catheter insertion, vascular access construction technique

At our hospital, as a rule, except in the case of emergency cares at ER we only accept patients based on a referral appointment system.


Service hoursMonday to Friday : 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday : 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 a.m.
Tel042-312-8200 (This number is for reservations only.)