
Department of Respiratory Diseases

1. Medical Treatment Details and Features

 We target all kinds of respiratory diseases. Many pediatric diseases can be cured naturally, but some of them should not be allowed untreated. If your child shows worrisome respiratory symptoms, identifying the cause is the best medical treatment. By combining X-ray examination, CT and endoscopy depending on the symptom, we try to evaluate where the problem is in the respiratory tract and to make correct diagnosis and the best treatment.

2. Main target diseases

  • persistent (chronic) cough
  • Continuous breathing problem although taking medications.
  • Recurrent pneumonia and bronchitis.
  • Detected pulmonary lesions in the chest X-rays
  • Breathing difficulty soon after starting exercise.
  • Wheezing

At our hospital, as a rule, except in the case of emergency cares at ER we only accept patients based on a referral appointment system.


Service hoursMonday to Friday : 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday : 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 a.m.
Tel042-312-8200 (This number is for reservations only.)